Well, Colton found his goggles today and wore them all day pretty much. He cracks me up. He played in the sand on Sunday at Brad's parents and it looks like we smoked him in the eye and he has bites everywhere. It's that time of year again and we do this every year about this time. Fleas love my child!
On another note, we pulled up the nasty carpet in our living room last Thursday and I am thrilled. It was disgusting. We knew we had wood floors, but they went through Carla so weren't really sure what condition they were in. Turns out, not to shabby. Now we want to pull of the hallway and kitchen, but have to figure out what flooring we are going to use first if it doesn't work out. We had a guy come look at it and got an estimate to refinish it and now Brad wants to pull it all up and then relay it so there won't be as many uneven spots. There are some planks that are wide apart and some close together. I have to agree it will look better, but do we really want to open a can of worms like that? He always amazes me so I am interested to see what it looks like when he's done.
At our church this Sunday we are having Servolution where we go out into the community and serve rather than go to services. I am excited. Our small group has chosen to serve at Carriage Inn, but we are choosing to serve at the Clute little league so Colton can do it with us. He will play there this spring so we thought it would be good for him to be a part of fixing it all up. I really want him to be a giver when it comes to helping other people so I am hoping this will help put fuel in the fire to get him aware of helping others and meeting other people's needs.
I scheduled an appointment to go to the nutritionist in March. With all this sugar stuff going on I have lost more weight and we knew I didn't need to do that so I have to figure out how to keep the weight on. On a side note, I went to my girl doctor on Monday and she looked at my blood work from the regular doctor and seems to think that I am hypoglycemic rather than borderline diabetic. Who knows at this point? I just know that when I eat things with sugar I get dizzy and I have to eat regularly or I get dizzy.
That's about all that's going on in the Reich household at the moment. Here's some pics from Colt and Sadie and Maggie in the living room on the wood floor. You can tell Sadie is so tired of pictures in her old age.
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