Tuesday, November 11, 2008

deer lease 11-10-08

Well, we had a prosperous trip. Brad shot an axis doe (yum yum...) and a hog so we are off to a good start. One of the things that was on the agenda for this trip was to put a new stand up that Pa, Colt, and Brad have been working on so Colt could go hunting with Pa. Well, they spent pretty much all day Saturday doing that after the morning hunt, but got it done. They went back Sunday afternoon to do some more work on it and Colton got to go hunt that evening in the stand with Pa. I have to say, I didn't know how it would go because I learned after this trip that he is NEVER quiet. He talked non-stop and I told Brad, I know he got this from me, but please tell me I don't talk that much and Brad just smiled so now I am trying to listen more than talk. Anyway, Pa said he did a great job, but we sent him with his Leapster, a dvd player with ear phones and a couple of cars and snacks. He came back saying Pa was noisier than him. : ) Anyway, I say all of that to say, he came back and met Brad and I at camp and said he was disappointed because they didn't get to shoot the "mingo grande." Brad and I just looked at each other and died laughing. I can't help it, but I just can't correct him because it's so stinkin' cute.

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