Sunday, October 12, 2008

Colt and Jack

I have to confess I did not take this picture. A friend of ours took it and I am very appreciative. I didn't take the camera and it was a moment I needed it. This is Colt with Di and Emma with Jack Ingram backstage. Friday night he walked away from the concert with a guitar pick and a drum stick that the drummer gave him and now Sat. night he gets to meet Jack personally and gets a pick from him and his picture taken. How am I ever going to top this?

*And here is one of him asleep also right before we left. Thanks Julie!


Christina Conklin said...

I love the one of Colt asleep...especially with Jack Ingram in the background!

The Reich Blog said...

He was so excited and just couldn't make it. : )

Jay and Laura said...

OHHH!! I am so jealous of Colton, I really love Jack Ingram, especially the new song they are playing on the radio now...I would have to sing it to remember the title. So, can Colton really play the guitar, or does he play at playing the guitar? If he can, I am truly impressed and he is my new idol...even if not, he has great taste!! So soccer and country are gonna have to beat the girls away one day Mama. And next time there is a cool concert in town, LET ME KNOW...I must be completely out of the loop!

The Reich Blog said...

He is working on learning the guitar. We are looking for somebody to teach him at his age. Right now he is just "writing" his own songs as he says and practicing so he knows what to do later. ; ) I think the new song Jack sings is That's a Man. He sang it Saturday.