Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Colton is finding his way.

As a mother it is so exciting to see Colton picking up so many different things and doing so well with them all. He is a gifted learner when he wants to be. If he is interested, he can pick something up and take off with it in no time. He did it with his bike. He decided one day he was ready. There was no pushing him before, but once he was ready, he learned how to ride almost immediately. It has been the same way with his dirt bike. Brad really didn't think he could hold the dirt bike up by himself once he fell and he proved us wrong. I love the fact that he picks up things so fast, but as a mom, I am scared to death when he comes across something that gives him a challenge. It will be good for him and make him grow as a person, but I still dread the day. All that said, he has mentioned several times he is ready to take on guitar lessons. He loves to play the guitar for fun, but I don't know how a 5 yr old will do with having to actually practice and not just play around. He loves music and guitars, singing, drums, etc. If he does pick this up, he'll follow in Paw's footsteps (Brad's dad). Tonight he went down and listened to his band play and sang along from the side. It's so fun to see him enjoy so many things. I just wish I could relax and let him be. This is the part I need to work on and just let go and let him fall if need be. Just venting a little. Here's some pictures from earlier today with his guitar.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Soccer 10-25-08

We were missing 2 players today so we played with 4, but it was a very productive day. Every kid scored at least one goal and you can bet they knew how many they scored. Prayers for Devin's family with the loss of a grandma, mom and I am sure special person and to Trinity we sure hope your ankle is better soon.
**And if you are reading this and looking at the pictures. The facial expressions are hillarious of the kiddos as they kick the ball. I just hope they hang on to their tongues.

Happy birthday to me....

Well, I am getting older every year, but realizing it isn't always bad to have another year under my belt. This year was so fun, not just because it was about me and I had my first surprise party, but because it was a blast watching Colton get so excited. He and Brad went shopping the night before and he got me a balloon and couldn't wait till the next day (my actual b-day). He gave it to me early and told me I was going to love his present. Well, it was batteries, but I have to tell the story behind it. He told Brad Wed. evening before they left I have the perfect present for mom. He had told me that for my birthday from him that I could take pictures of him and he would be nice about it. (Can you tell I am always asking to take pictures.) Anyway, him and Brad went shopping and for the first year, I had no idea what I was getting because Colton actually kept it a secret. (A sign he's growing up!: ( ) SO, when Brad got home Thursday evening, Colton brings me my bag and says happy birthday again and I loved every single time too. I opened it and he had picked out batteries. Brad said he told him that since I was going to be taking lots of pictures of him I was going to need lots of batteries for it. I thought that was so thoughtful and for a 5 year old so observant also. I have to say it was a VERY meaningful gift.

That evening I thought we were going out to eat with some friends and was being kind of selfish because we had plans figured out and another friend called and basically changed the plans and then told me to meet at her house also. I don't know how many times I told Brad and everybody else, It's my birthday and I am not even getting to choose what time or where we eat because at this moment I don't even know where we are eating. Anyway, Brad never says a thing, and so typical of him. We have to go by Wal-mart and he is taking his time and I am starting to get frustrated because I am starving, but this is also so typical of Brad, very laid back and in no hurry so I am still not expecting anything. We get to Shellie's and I knock, the door opens, and everybody screams. The first thing I see is a bunch of kids and realize, I didn't know they were going to be here. I start looking around the corner and there are alot of people. I don't like being the center of attention, but it was kind of nice for once. : ) I felt very special and loved! Thanks to my husband, Jennifer, Kevin, Shellie, and Brian (and lots of others I am sure) for planning for 3 weeks and me having NO clue! I always thought I would know if it was to happen, but not his time. My birthday was very special this year and hopefully here's to many more.....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Colt the Policeman

Colton and Sadie. That poor dog puts up with so much and Maggie (the one in the back left) would have nothing to do with it.
Taking his call for his next place to go so he says.
Listening really hard.....
a little smile too...that thing in his ear is actually the microphone you talk into, but he had to have something to listen too also.

Well, Colton has been sick since Sunday morning. Really Saturday, but I just thought it was allergies. I'll spare you the details, but we chose to keep him home today also. He acts like he is feeling a ton better, but still has a bad cough and his eyes just look like he is sick. That's how I can tell he doesn't feel good. The boy goes non-stop, just like his daddy, even when he doesn't feel good, but both of them show they are sick in their eyes. Anyway, Di drove by on the way home today and stopped and showed Colton the fun dress-up outfits she found on sale. One was a fireman and the other a policeman costume. He wanted to play with the policeman and has been playing for about 1 hr now. Anyway, he wanted me to take pictures of him playing in it so I thought I would post them. Hope you are having a spectacular day!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Soccer again....10-18-2008

Rest time....

Playing instead of resting at halftime.....
team pep talk....
Thinking about life.....
Listening to Coach Brad...
Practicing kicking the ball between the cones....
Resting too.......
Practicing also....
Go Heat!!!!

We played a really hard team today Colton said. He was insistent that it was really hard to beat them and Brad just kept telling him it's because he was chicken to go get the ball. Needless to say he has repeatedly said we only scored 2 goals which goes to show you whether you keep score or not, they do.

Noah's Ark Party

This is him shearing the sheep.
and bowling.....
and fishing....
and watching the clown make balloons...
Colton and Noah....

Friday was Colton's last Noah's Ark party at St. Mark's Preschool. He had fun and enjoyed it and was excited because this year Noah and a clown were there. They had a sheep to shear (not real of course) and miniature golf, bean bag toss, fishing (behind a curtain), hand painting, bowling, and a clown to make animal balloons. All in all, the kids had a good time. Colton chose a horse, but it popped before we could take a picture of it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Changes are never fun!

Well, I found out today that I am borderline diabetic so there are going to have to be some changes. Change is never fun and especially when you love potatoes, corn, and bread. I CAN DO THIS! I have to keep telling myself. The last 6 days I have made lots of changes because I knew this could be a possibility after the blood test last week, but today I found out I definitely am going to have to do it. Pray that I have the strength to make the changes and don't let fear and procrastination get in my way like it always does. I need to step up, which is really hard for me for some reason, and take control myself! The good news in all of this is that I can fix it and hopefully prevent it with diet and exercise. And the other good news is I can cheat every now and then and my birthday is coming up so what a great time to do it!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Colt and Jack

I have to confess I did not take this picture. A friend of ours took it and I am very appreciative. I didn't take the camera and it was a moment I needed it. This is Colt with Di and Emma with Jack Ingram backstage. Friday night he walked away from the concert with a guitar pick and a drum stick that the drummer gave him and now Sat. night he gets to meet Jack personally and gets a pick from him and his picture taken. How am I ever going to top this?

*And here is one of him asleep also right before we left. Thanks Julie!

Custom made drums

Colton loves music. He is continuously making up his own songs with his guitar and always trying to make his own drums. We went and saw Jack Ingram last night at the fair and I know that makes me a bad mom because we were out till 1 in the morning with Colt, but he LOVES him and wanted to see him so I'll be a bad mom every now and then. Poor thing he made it through about 3/4 of the way and then crashed on Brad's shoulders. Anyway, today he decided to make his own drum set on the front porch with whatever he could find. I had to take some pictures. ; )

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another year under the belt

Tonight we celebrated Pa's b-day (aka Bruno, Brad's dad) down at their house. With the fair coming up everything is chaotic as usual, but we stopped long enough to get birthday cake and ice cream in and a little Jack Ingram by Colton and Emma for Pa. All in all it was a fun night watching Colton jam out on his guitar for Pa. Keep in mind these are total snap shots. I hate posting pictures that are not accurate, but I didn't take the time to play with lighting etc.