Saturday, July 26, 2008

My husband is the BEST

Good 'ole trusty Kabota. She's old, but she gets the job done. Looking to see why they keep getting caught.

The look I get when I pull out the camera.

Brad is the best husband in the world. I gripe and complain from time to time, but I can't thank God enough for him. He puts up with me for one, but he has so many excellent qualities that I am so glad he can pass down to Colt. One that I am so thankful for is he amazes me daily with what he can fix. My air conditioner on my car quit blowing cold air last week out of no where and rather than take it in the shop and deal with the cost, his dad and him worked on it and now it blows cold air like it's brand new. Today and yesterday, poor thing, he has been digging fence holes in the burning heat. We bought a lot next to us to help expand our yard and make it a little more comfortable and he has decided to take on the job of piping for the drilling of a new well (the neighbors well was on the lot we bought) and also move the fence over. His dad has been a trouper and helped him do the whole process, but I really don't know where we would be if we had to pay for all these odds and end jobs. He is Mr. Fix Man and I am truly grateful. Here are some pictures from the day of them working.

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