Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Colt and the pumpkin patch

I had pictures scheduled at the pumpkin patch and I don't usually take Colton along with me with I do pictures, but I couldn't do them unless I did and the customer wanted pictures so she said bring him, I don't care....so I did. And after we got hers done, Colt wanted one of him. So here is my grown boy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm not doing good keeping up....

I post pictures alot on facebook, but I stink at keeping up on here and my business blog. We went to New Braunfels for the weekend several weeks ago and Colt had a blast. We went and did a little wake boarding at this place outside on New Braunfels too and it took him a little longer to figure out on a cable than a boat, but once he caught on it was all fun! He is a blessed little boy that picks up things pretty fast. Thank goodness he takes after his daddy and not me. : )

Monday, June 21, 2010

Race day 6-20-10

We spend father's day at the race track. It was very hot, but Brad and Colt were in heaven as usual.

Chirp finds a new home

Chirp has been with us since Easter weekend and she is living the life of royalty, but it was time for her to find a new home. We let her live outside all day long and then put her in a cage in the evening and she started wondering a lot more into the neighbors yards. No one said anything, but I don't want to offend our neighbors so that was one issue. The second issue was she pooped everywhere. I know...chickens do that. But it would be one thing if she stayed on the ground, but she would roost of Brad's boat and poop everywhere and that wasn't cutting it anymore so we took her to some friends of ours that have other chickens and made that her home. Brad took her and said her feet are probably 3 times the size of the other chickens because she was so well fed. She's going to have some getting use to life now, but then she'll be fine. She should start laying eggs in November from what he said. I think it was harder on me that anyone else. Don't know why....she's a chicken for heaven's sake, but I still cried. Colt came to me later Sat. afternoon and asked I thought she had made friends. Of course I said....I don't know if she has or not, but I wanted him to know he had made the right decisions. Is it wrong to lie to protect his little heart? Anyway....here are some pictures from our final day with Chirp.

Colt turns 7

Morgan came down to celebrate his actual birthday with him since she was moving to Colorado. We went and ate pizza with Brad and Di/Pa and Emma and then went and played Lunar golf out at the mall. That's what he chose to do. Then we kissed Tia goodbye and safe travels on Wed. and he celebrated his bday on Saturday with friends at All-Stars Pizza. Brad made his cake again this year. The annual dirtbike cake with a different track. It turned out pretty neat once again. Colt was happy so that's all that counts.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I picked up Colton today from Safety town and I asked how things went. This is the response I got....

Colt: "Well, I got her (I won't use names to protect her) phone number."
me: "Who's number?"
Colt: "Insert girls name here. And I told her I needed them so we could get together with her brother. She gave me her cell number and her home phone number. And she babysits. "
Me: "So did you ever find out his name?"
Colt: "Um....Oh yeah...it's (insert name)"
I had been asking him all week what the little boys name was that Colt has a crush on his sister and the last day he finally gets it and then uses it to get her phone numbers. This boy is entirely too girl crazy for a 7 yr old.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

safety town

This week Colton has been doing safety town all week in the mornings. I went to pick him up today and like I do every day I asked him what he did. His response today.......flirt. He has discovered a 13 yr old girl with long dark brown hair and that's all he talks about when you pick him up. At 7 yrs old this kid already is girl crazy.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Angelton Racing on 5-23-10

thumbs up I get before almost all his races

dad getting him set up

that's him in the back

a medal for racing and we are happy with no bumps and bruises

that's him on the far right

a little air

what's not to smile about when you get to race

the 3 amigos

Colton finally attempted racing at Angelton. The track that he got ran over on the first time he raced. He did pretty well. He has coming out of the gate figured out if we could just get him to stay on the throttle, but he gets uneasy and slows W......A........Y......... down. He'll get the confidence eventually and if he doesn't, I am fine with that also. Here are some pictures from Sunday.

It's been a little while.

Colt showed off his musclesgrinned with mom

hung with dad

took another picture with his missing teeth

showed us his 2 teeth he lost

Colt and his missing teeth


catching for the braves

I didn't realize how long it had been. Yikes! I have finally come up above pictures to see the real world again and summer is right around the corner now. Lots has happend.

-Small group has wrapped until summer is over so Monday nights are free now.

-School will be over June 2, but this week and next are full of end of year stuff.

-Chirp is huge. She gets out for about 4-5 hrs every day and we just let he roam. She can pretty much defend herself.

-We've wrapped up another year of baseball.

-Colt lost some more teeth. Now they are all starting to grow back in.

-Brad finished a shut down and I am very thankful!

-Only 11 days until Motocross and Colt is excited.

-On the 31st Brad and I will have been married for 8 yrs. Time flies. But what makes it more rewarding is together 14 yrs we have worked through alot of stuff and I am thankful he still is around to conquer more with me. : )

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Colton lost another tooth

And this was cosmetic surgery on his dirtbike. Refusing to smile.

So the tickeling began and the rest is history.

Colton lost his 6th tooth on Sunday evening and I had to take some pictures. We had to be a little creative thou because he didn't want any taken. Well, when your son doesn't want pictures taken you start tickeling and turn it into a game so that's what we did.