Monday, March 30, 2009


6 mths ago I was told that I was borderline diabetic. I have had several doctors and people tell me you either are or aren't. Well, today was my 6mth check up and after a major change in eating habits I can say my blood work came back PERFECT! I am beyond happy. After several doctor visits we have come to the conclusion that I am hypoglycemic. That can potentially turn into diabetes, but as long as I watch it I should be ok. I am one happy lady today!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The dirtbike track

We got an invite to go out to the track and have some lessons with some other little ones so we took the opportunity to do so. Colt will race in his first race (if this one doesn't get canceled due to rain also) next Sunday so we figured he could use all the help he could get. I went out there and spent the day taking pictures. He learned some things and had a blast so he's all ready for next week.

Just a picture

There is something about this picture that I love. I have no idea what it is and it's not even in great focus and the coloring is off, but I like it so I am sharing it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mr.Shy came out to play

Colton is a big talker once you get to know him and that comes from me just in case you needed that clearified. : ) However, until he is comfortable he can take after Brad and be kind of withdrawn and quiet. I shot a wedding Sat. night and all of a sudden after the first dance as a couple Colt breaks out on the dancefloor with some moves and all of us couldn't help, but laugh and cheer him on. Here are a few.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Brad got a bike too

Brad has been wanting a dirt bike for awhile now and was waiting for the right one to show up in his price range. Well, Monday evening he got his wish and the guy delivered it to the track while Colt was riding. Brad was one happy camper.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

no pictures, but some serious news

Well, I am a horrible mom first of all. We took Colton for his first dentist appointment yesterday and I have dreaded it for so long because I didn't know how it would go. He was awesome! I was complaining in my room getting my teeth looked at about how much I hate the dentist not realizing he could hear me and he informed the hygienist that I had been there way more than him, but I sure did whine about it alot. She came back and told me and I had to laugh. But the real reason for this post is we were on our way home and were talking about the toys he had picked out for doing so good. He chose a ball and a ring with a blue stone in it because he was good getting his teeth cleaned, but also allowed them to do x-rays. Well, I said why did you pick a ring out? That's for girls and he said I just wanted to. It was quiet for a few minutes and then he says, "Mom, I think I am ready to start dating." I had to literally hold my breath to keep from laughing and then said, "Colt, you have your whole life to find girls to date. Daddy and I dated alot of people before we found each other and decided we couldn't imagine life without one another." He thought on that and then said, "How will I find the girl I want to date? Cousins can't date cousins can they? " I knew where he was going because he loves Emma, my niece. I told him no you can't date cousins. I told him that he hasn't even started school yet and he needed to wait to get out of school. He informed me that that would probably be smart since he didn't want her interfering with him taking his tests. I called Dianna and told her and she said like father, like son. All I can think is what's next?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Colt made the Facts paper 3-2-09

Well, Colton has to be the happiest kid today. Our church family chose to take Sunday off from indoors and go out and serve the community to show you can help teach God's love by serving outside the walls of church as well. Brad and I chose to go to the Clute Little League fields instead of what the rest of our small group was doing because we thought this would make more of an impact on Colt. Well, it did in more ways than one. He is going to play at those same fields in a couple of months for the first time and he got to be a part of making the fields ready as well as the front page of the paper. It's funny how any other time he talks and will tell you anything, but she had to get him to talk this time. Anyway, he is very proud and if you see him today, don't be surprised if he tells you. The article is online, but his picture didn't make it.