Well, Ike came and left a mess, but we are all safe and sound. We lost 3 trees and a ton of limbs and part of trees. I'll post pictures later. We just got power back Friday night 9/26/08 and have been trying to get back to reality in our own house again. Dad and Sally let us stay their for 15 days and I am very grateful. It was hot and humid and the
mosquitoes were horrible so windows open would not have been fun. We stayed here during the day and at their house at night. Needless to say, I never realized how nice it is to sleep in your own bed and have the finer things in life like a/c, running water (we have a well so we had no water or sewage), a
refrigerator to keep your things cold and the simple pleasure of washing and drying your clothes. Brad stayed here when we evacuated so Colt and I were with Brad's parents from Wed before Ike landed until we came home on Monday. Phone lines were hard to come by and I was stressed to say the least. Both times we have evacuated for a storm, Brad has been on hurricane duty so I told him no more. Next time, he's going too! : ) I could go on, but for the most part we have everything picked up and back to normal. Thanks for your prayers and thank you Lord for keeping my family safe and sound and for giving us a place to come home to.