Friday, August 29, 2008

The things around you

Well, Colton has officially called off me taking pictures. I want to practice, but he runs and hides every chance he gets. Today we went to meet the teacher and I said let's just take a couple since we are going to meet your teacher for the first time, and his response was kicking and screaming and yelling, "I don't want to. Why do you always have to take pictures of me." I guess I have ruined him so now I am going to have to find other people's kids to ruin. Anyway, I resorted to the front yard and have been hearing noices in the trees for several days, but never saw anything. Well, today I realized there are several squirrels hanging out and I don't know if there is a nest or they just like our pecan trees, but here are some pictures from today. Not of Colton, but of the only thing that would let me play.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This little guy, or should I say big guy greeted me today when I rounded the corner by our garage. He kept his distance so I was ok.

Friday, August 22, 2008

painting collage

And here is the collage I put together. I wanted to try out my new paper.

It's deer season

*and notice there is that face again.

Colton, Brad, and Pa (Brad's dad) started a new deer stand this week/weekend for Pa and Colt to go hunting. Colton got to paint it since Brad and Pa put it together. I took pictures to have of the experience. This was Colton's first painting experience outside of paper so he was excited to say the least.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Brad wanted me to see what it is like to have the camera in your face and he's right it's annoying, but at the same time, it was nice to have a couple of pictures of me. It never happens. I always joke that if something happend to me no one would no I existed because there are very few pictures of me. So here are a couple of me and all my freckles. Hope you are having a great week.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

the look

This is the look I keep getting from Colton lately. You'd think he was 16, not 5. Actually, it's a lot worse usually. This was a good day.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Colton spent the weekend at the beach with Brad's parents and we went back and forth. He had a blast, but yesterday decided he was ready to surf. One of the people that was out there with us had a surf board so he decided to give it a try with dad's help. He did pretty good, stayed up and was thrilled with himself and of course I was so proud of him.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

and a couple more

And a couple more....I have to stop this. My eyes need some rest. : )

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Christmas cards take 2

Here are 2 more and now I am going to bed. : ) It's addicting.

Christmas already

It blows my mind that things are already out for Christmas. You walk down the isles at Hobby Lobby and decorations are out. Every forum that I look at for photography is already selling Christmas cards so I started getting my juices flowing and sat down just to see if I could create my own samples this year. I was actually very surprised and got really into it. Remember this is my first day so go easy on me, but I also came up with a wall collage instead of buying one for a friend. I have to say I am pretty proud of myself.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Brownies make the time go by

Colton was chomping at the bit to play with someone today and things just didn't work out so we made brownies instead. He loves to cook and I have to be honest, I am not very patient because it's double the clean up when he helps, but I decided to fancy him today and he did everything including break the eggs. Then, he got to enjoy the reward after it was all done.

On another note, it kills me to put pics on here where the lighting is so bad, but I had no choice. The lighting stinks in our kitchen and I had to catch the moment. And yes, that is a huge bruise on his forehead and he doesn't know how he got it.